Friday, February 3, 2012

Just sayin'

When an addict ODs and dies, no one ever says "well at least he died doing what he loved best."  That statement always seems to bring some sort of comfort to the family of the rock climber or the motorcycle racer or the lion tamer.  I see nothing admirable about a life lived in the pursuit of climbing a higher mountain, going faster or taming a wild beast.  Somewhere, there is still going to be a Mama trying to sleep at night knowing her son or daughter is tied to a rope on the side of a cliff, speeding along asphalt with no safety harness or staring down enormous teeth and claws.  Just sayin'.

I am having absolutely no problem eating correctly.  A knowin' is a knowin'.

It is supposed to be raining here all weekend and I had planed to clear a little patch for some flowers.  I guess I will have to switch to working indoors on an art project.  Oh.....maybe a couple of naps.  Ahhhh good livin'.


Mary LA said...

Art indoors sounds a good way to go. I wish I could see some of your sculptures and artworks.

Syd said...

I get you totally on the doing what they loved comment. Really? A fellow I knew took his pretty co-worker up in a light "flying boat" and was doing loops which the craft was never intended to do. The "flying boat" crashed on the beach, killing them both. Everyone said how they were doing what they loved. That isn't much comfort for the wife, 2 year old son and 18 year old daughter he left behind. Recklessness is an addiction too.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

<3 Somehow whenever the pear shaped world begins to shape around me, I find your blog comforting :)

Love you Pammie!

Unknown said...

I adore your writing, a kindred spirit - I think. Will stop by often. Would love to be friends.

Annette said...

Hmm, its not my knowin, so it was harder for me....but it did resonate with me. So I will keep at it.

My son is a mountain climbing snowboarder, but is careful and smart...but still, I do find myself happy for him. He loves it. On the scale of having a child who is an addict or one who is a flipping in the air snowboarder....his stuff is easier for me to deal with.

kel said...

When my Prince died from a heroin overdose almost 25 months ago, my sister-in-law (his Aunt) repeatedly said to anyomne who would listen, that "at least he was finally out of pain". Her remark made me want to punch her repeatedly in the throat. Just sayin.

Mary Christine said...

People say the most ignorant things when someone dies. I hope to die in my bed - and then they can say I died doing what I love. Or in church. Wouldn't that be awesome? Dying in church?

Kary May said...

You inspire me, that is why I am ignoring that piecee of flan that is singing its siren song to me from the depths of my refrigerator.

Anonymous said...

I read on parent blogs the addict would be better off dead. Really?? How about the mentally ill, handicapped, old, chronically sick..

at least I have learned not to comment on those posts, it's a waste of time.

glad the knowin' has descended on you. XOXO

Anna said...

I also feel that thrill seeking has an addictive component. There are so many activities to love that do not involve inherently risking your life!

Bar L. said...

Hi Pammie, just read your last several posts to get caught up. No matter what you write about, its interesting. I can't imagine someone saying an addict died doing what they loved...same with all the risk taking things people do. You may love doing it, but you're risking your life everytime you do :(

Lulu said...

Though I'm still searching for what I'd like to be doing with my life when it ends, I am ever so grateful that it won't be draining the last drops from a bottle of cabernet. I would love for my life to be amazing, but I am blissed out that it is no longeron the tragic and shameful path.