Yesterdays doctors appointments went profoundly well for sober daughter. She sent me a text in the middle of the day that said "ma, I feel so blessed to have some smart doctors mixed in with the bullshit ones." Today, she sees one of the bullshit ones.
I accomplished mounds of work at my job after asking God to babysit sober girl for the day. I went to a sponsees house last night for some BB study. She likes to talk more than study. My home group meeting is tonight.
I feel much more able to tackle life this morning, not so defeated as I've been feeling. That could change tomorrow of course, but I've got many many hours until tomorrow gets here. I am "one of those people" who simply can not figure out how to do this life thing (heart thing) on my own. When I got sober and you people showed me how to connect with a God of my understanding, I became capable of walking with joy and gratitude. I don't know how in the world people without a program have the strength to face this huge planet everyday. It would scare the shit out me if I had to do this alone.
I have no idea, either, how the non-programmers do it.
So pleased to her of sober daughter's uplifting day :-)
Me too Pammie. Me too.
The people out in the world without a program are batshit crazy--raging on the roads, raging in the stores, raging at their families. Who doesn't qualify for either AA, Al-Anon, NA, OA, Nar-Anon? It seems that most everyone would.
Yes . . . It's scaring the shit outta me at the moment :-(
I think "our" program is good for every living human being.... Which is more evidence of why I'm in a program! Lol I still think I know what is best for others.... But on this one, I know I'm right!
I'm glad you are feeling better pammie.
"a design for living"
Sending a big hug out to you this morning Pamma Lamma Ding Dong.Posting my list of seven things today too, finally I know you have been eagerly waiting, ha, ha.
I used to swear I wanted people to just leave me alone. Now I know that was total bullshit, I need people (family, friends, bloggers) more than anybody else.
It would scare the shit out of me too, absolutely.
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