Thursday, January 12, 2012

It feels like Alaska

Overslept by 15 minutes and my whole morning is upside down.  This is the most regimented part of my day and MUST go precisely as planned or it becomes the domino effect.  Good grief girl, lighten up!

Sober girls psych. doctor appointment went pretty damn good yesterday.  She has no more doctor visits until next week.  She is maintaining well aside from the eye pain and she seems better able to cope with that this week.

It is 45deg. this morning which is just unbearable.  Everyone will be wearing jeans to work today because that is just "acceptable" when it's frigid like this....oh hush up you northern folks.

I sat next to a woman in a meeting last night who went out 6 months ago after 19 years sober.  She still looks bewildered as hell.  I had never met her before, so after the meeting I introduced myself to her.  She asked me how long I had been sober, I told her, she said "oh, well go stick it up your ass and come back and talk to me after you loose those years."  I'm thinking she is not ready to talk about the spiritual malady.

I'm glad that God never moves and I can reach out and find him 24 hours a day.  Today just might be fabulous so I'm going to hit the shower and watch the day unfold.


Marcia said...

haha 45 deg is frigid. That's funny.

Syd said...

I think that you are right about the woman. She asked the question, you answered and there you go--funny, how my ire went up just reading her comment to you. Best for me to walk away from those who are spewing toxicity. Maybe she will get it. I hope so. I'm just glad that you do. Bless your heart, Pammie.

Anonymous said...

I can't link from my iPhone, but go check out the Subversive Librarian's post from yesterday. You'll get a kick out of it.

Mary Christine said...

That seems to be the universal response from people who have gone out after long-term sobriety. And frankly I find it very tiresome. I have been subject to verbal attacks from these folks in meetings. Imagine! Getting attacked for staying sober a long time!

I think the fact that you have never seen her before tells you everything you need to know about her previous sobriety.

And I can't resist - try 15º and snowing - as it was last night. And I was out shoveling in a dress!

Lou said...

I almost wrote my post today about a woman I met at the mission who had 17 years, and now 8 months later she is living in a shelter with the clothes on her back. That's got to make a person testy.

Annette said...

Sheesh....what do you say to that? It would be hard to not even get to roll my eyes at her.

Have a beautiful day Pam.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

I am from the north and I gotta tell ya, I have a heating blanket now when it hits 40, what happened to my "northern thick skin"?

And MC's comment LOLOLOL oh ouch yup 15 in a dress...I'm properly humbled into realizing what a gift living in a warmer climate is, but I do love cuddling up in front of a fire after building snowmen or working hard in the snow, it has a sense of warm satisfaction to it :)