Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Morning

First evening with in-laws went well!  Whew.  I managed not to say anything too stupid.  They left for their hotel by 8:30 and I went to bed by 10:00.  Acting right is so exhausting.  They will be here for breakfast at 9:00am and in case I've never told y' one makes eggs better than me. ;-)

I'm guessing the first thing they said to one another when they got in their rental car last night was "can you believe how much weight Pammy has put on since last year?"  I could be wrong.

I spoke with sober daughter for a few minutes yesterday by phone.  She sounded pretty good.  She decided to sit and do counted cross stitch for awhile to try and quiet the racing thoughts, which means she is attempting to "help herself" which is always good news.

OK....wish me luck as I attempt to entertain  my in laws for the day.  HEY...maybe I should get out the tap shoes I bought at the thrift store last month !!!!!


Lou said...

Silly Pammie! They were thinking "how lucky our son is to have found this Texas girl."

Mary LA said...

Don't second-guess the in-laws sweetie -- and I wish I could sit down and have your eggs for breakfast.

Syd said...

It doesn't matter what they said. You are wonderful. Believe that.

Mary Christine said...

I want to come over for eggs too!

I always think people are silently weighing me. But in my mind I go from emaciated to obese within 5 lbs., and that is simply not realistic. I go back and look at photos over the years and wonder why I thought I was fat. But I did. And I wasted so much time and energy worrying about that. And still do...

Anonymous said...

I am in the same boat with you on the weight thing, Pam, but I am starting to come to terms with it. I was going to crack on you for thinking that they were talking about you, but I know I would have thought the exact same thing. I love you just the way you are <3

Anonymous said...

What do you do to the eggs that makes them magnificent? I want tips.

Marcia said...

Enjoy your day!

Annette said...

This post just did my heart good. First of all I was so relieved for you that they were staying in a hotel and not sleeping over at your house.

And I think they probably got in their rental car and said something like, "That Pam, isn't she *hilarious? How did we get so damned lucky to have our family blessed with someone so down to earth....AND she tap dances!"

Let Go, Let God said...

I was just thinking, as you dig out your tap shoes, I can dance the Highland Fling (a Scottish dance). Perhaps this will come in handy for my holiday entertaining. Thanks for the suggestion! :) Now...where's my kilt? Perhaps I should not pull out the swords. Hummm.