If you are not an alcoholic and just one of the millions of people walking around after a long work day, I don't understand why you don't grab a cold beer and smoke some weed. Really.
I went to sober daughters house on my lunch break yesterday and she had gone a full 24 hours without crying. We actually held hands and said a thank you prayer to God for that. That could very well have changed after I left, but it did my heart good. Son in law came in before I left and we firmed up our plans for her surgery on Friday. He is on my shit list mind you, but I have taken to praying for those on my shit list as a last resort for some peace of mind. My kids and spouses are coming to my house Wednesday night for Christmas. Thursday night is my sponsors birthday party at a restaurant across town. Then the whole "sober daughter eye surgery recoup" thing. Life is about to get really busy.
I'm grateful to be able to show up for any of it since my instinct is to grab a beer (or 20) and smoke some weed (or crack).
24 hours without crying is huge. I'm praying for her recovery. You're a good mom, Pammie.
I know that you will laugh at this, but I feel no desire for a beer or weed. Not even a tiny bit. But I will eat several buckets of oysters!
Oysters would make me puke, but several buckets of beer would get me just about right.
I thank you for your honesty Pammie. You are the real deal.
Bring on the busy. Beer and weed make me act stupid (more stupid than usual).
I'll bet you any amount of money that in a week from now, you'll be able to look back and appreciate that everything happened JUST the way it should have.
Love dAAve's perspective. Bless your heart Pammie. And your daughter's. I am prayin like nobody's business for the both of you. :o) I am so glad to hear she is feeling better.
Thank you for your comments on my blog. I love hearing from you!
I'm not into beer or weed either. Alcohol makes me act like an idiot and weed makes me pig out on junk food. But for some those things are fine...just not for me.
It sounds like you have things planned out and now just have to do the day (or moment) at a time to get through to other side of the surgery. You can count on me as one of the many that are out here praying for it to be a huge success with no complications and a quick recovery time.
I laughed at the part about for praying for people on your shit list. I really needed to laugh so thanks for that. Stay strong.
Love to you and your sober daughter Pammie -- and the the son-in-law on your shit list.
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