Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just Sayin'

Either blogger or my computer or some damn alien force field is messing with me trying to comment on blogs this morning.

In reading other blogs, normal people (non alcoholic, non addict) seem to think (of course I don't know what other people think) that when we get clean and sober, we should like the same things that they do.  That being safe and warm and well fed after a day of honest labor is a state of being that everyone should be trying to attain.  It seems to tear them apart when we get clean and we don't jump on that same philosophy.  I've always wondered, if you took a bunch of these normies and transplanted them down to a remote village in a jungle somewhere with a tribe of happy people living in huts with no running water or jobs to go to, if they might realize that "normal" is sometimes just what you're used to. Once you've slept on a pillowtop mattress, a dirt floor with straw just doesn't compare.  For some of us, once you've altered your mind to a brain numbing fog of ecstasy.......reality just doesn't compare.


Mary Christine said...

It took me a long time to think "regular" things were thrilling. I think age had a lot to do with it :)

Lou said...

You are talkin' to me today!

Anonymous said...

please explain further, this could be very helpful to a lot of us.

Syd said...

I do those things that I like and have few expectations of others. I am grateful for that.

Annette said...

Now seeee, this post makes me feel the slightest twinge of nervousness. lol

Anonymous said...

Just the other day I was thinking along the same lines. I work with a great group of people but they are normies through and through. Sober or not, our realities just don't mesh. I refer to it as being a 'monkey in a fishbowl.'

Tabitha.Montgomery said...

That's a good point of view Pam.
I can relate.I don't like labeling
people,generally.But there are those
few people out there whose lives have
not been touched by addictions of any
kind.Nor death or trauma.Hard to believe.
But I always know them when they read my
work and look a little weirded out as
though we are from different planets.
Maybe we are..but I couldn't care less.
I like my way of so called normal..I worked
my ass off to get here.

Good blog post xo

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to comment on your blog all week (till now) Hi Pam! enjoyed all of your posts!

Anonymous said...

Well, here I am with no running water for the second day and appreciating the privileged ordinary more than ever.

When I was 15 I wanted to starve to death in a garret in Paris or under a palm tree in Timbuktu after having thousands of affairs, breaking men's hearts and swilling absinthe for literary inspiration.

addiction journal said...

very very well said...Normies ( as they are called in Boston ) think they understand etc ..but truly we are the parents of addicts..not the addicts themselves and our brains are wired so differently...

i am linking this post ..!!!

Shadow said...

FInally someone's come out and said what i've been trying to formulise for years... well done!

Anonymous said...

I don't think there is a person on the face of this earth that does not have some form of addiction or other and as far as being normal what is that anyhow? listen to me and I'll listen to you and together maybe we can really hear each need to make life any harder than it already is........

jezuzgirl said...

Thank you so much for this, my eyes are now opened to see my son in a broader spectrum, much more broad than a "normal" person would ever consider. You are right, we expect you all to be just like us. How awful! I think you experiment with drugs in the first place because somehow you know that there is more to life than this ridiculous thing we call normal. Your normal is greater than I could ever imagine, and how awesome is that.