Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just a Statement

Ya know.....I've had this blog for many years and the people who come by to visit are mostly the couple of handfuls that have been with me......always. Thank you for that.  I think my readers know that it is my life's intention is stay clean and sober and to help others to achieve the same.  But I've just got this strong desire to write the story of my Beana.......I don't know why.  I don't want to join some other group that writes about the imaginary characters in their head.......I want to write it in my safe little cocoon world of Sobriety is Exhausting.  Beana is eventually struck with alcoholism and drug addiction by family members and I guess when I get there we can hear her interpretation of things.  So I will continue to write out Beanas life as it unfolds to me, whether or not you are here to read it.  It feels right to me.  I will begin in earnest, tomorrow morning, where I left off.  Of course you know if something great happens to me like the lottery or something........I'll be telling you all about that !!!


Syd said...

I look forward to reading more Beana. And where did you get that name?

Mary LA said...

You know, Pammie, when I got sober I felt I had left nothing to lose, so I began showing my stories to other writers and editors and publishers. Some people loved what I was writing, some couldn't care less, some saw faults I hadn't suspected, some hated it. I just went on writing and little by little I found my voice and learned to use criticism as well as encouragement.

The most important thing is to keep writing because someone may not 'get it' today but might want to read you and love your characters in six months time.

Let Beana live!

Mary Christine said...

I just wrote a big old comment and when I went to post it, it was under my work e-mail account! YIKES. Let me try again.....

I think part of long term sobriety is leaving our one dimensional lives behind. I love to read about Beana, I can hear her when I read your words. You have a real gift Pammie.

Hope said...

All hail to Beana I say! It is lovely to read her story. She is coming alive for me now, too.

Grace-WorkinProgress said...

Writing can heal a lot of things. It can let our secrets you don't even tell yourself. You are supported here.

Annette said...

I commented earlier in the week too and it got lost somewhere....I am loving reading your stories. However, do we pronounce Beana as "Been-ah" or "Be-anna" The need to know this is driving me crazy...
Please keep writing....I am off to catch up now.

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