Monday, February 20, 2012

Forgive my crudeness please

I bought a box color this weekend and did what I said I'd never do again.  There is no extra money for a hair salon these days and something had to be done, so I did it.  I love it! Whew!!!

Do you know the "oh I REALLY have to pee" feeling?  Way past the time you would normally go, but for some reason you were detained kind of pee?  The panic kind of "holy shit, I gotta go NOW" feeling?  Would your kids, your spouse, your boss be able to talk you out of it?  Would the thought of finding a bathroom be all encompassing, drowning everything else out? Would you let go of a dying loved ones' hand if you were doubled over with the need of having to pee so bad that fear was setting in about the various outcomes of not peeing? 
Just asking.
Just saying.
When I pushed my precious Mama, Daddy and children away from the stall door without hearing a word they had to say it was because I had to.  I simply had to.  There just was no more "holding it."


Mary LA said...

I had amoebic dysentery from eating unwashed lettuce leaves in Kenya. No arguing with amoebic dysentery, ever. Your body does what it has to do.

Syd said...

I can generally do the mind over matter thing. But when it comes to hot, churning bowels--well, that is another matter altogether.

Marcia said...

yes, I know what that feels like.

Scott W said...

Even on a freeway in the middle of Oklahoma. I get the reference.

Mary Christine said...

Thanks for this Pammie. Yes, I "had to." It had nothing to do with them.

Anonymous said...

what a great analogy. yet so sad.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Pammie. Why you make me cry this Monday morning?

dAAve said...

Today is strange.

Annette said...

Oh Pam, I get it. :o( I hate that they have to pee so bad though that nothing else matters. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to come to grips with the fact that someone very important to me needs to bee right now. I am definitely being pushed away and it's tearing me up.

Anonymous said...

Pee. Not 'bee'


Anonymous said...

This is the best analogy I have ever heard. It helps me to feel what it must be like and understand why my daughter does it.