One of my co-workers will be my boss in about 3 weeks from now. He is younger than one of my daughters. The blessing is that I really like him, I believe him to be super sharp and a genuinely nice guy. It's quite difficult to be an aging woman in a field of young aspiring adults. Upper management must have a PhD, middle management must have a Masters and Supervisors must have a Bachelors. I never went back to school when I was younger because I was raising kids then raising hell then just did not want to. I have a technical expertise in my field because of the amount of years I've put in and fortunately they don't teach what I do in school so my position has always been kind of cushy and the pay is more than decent. The problem is that people around me are so interested in climbing higher, making management, making more money, and having more responsibility. I sometimes "feel bad" because I can't make myself get into that mode. I really enjoy what I do and I would like to keep doing it until I retire. That attitude seems to be viewed as "not wanting to improve yourself." I do not tell the people at work....."Oh lordy, you have no idea how much I have improved myself!!" LOL
Today, I will turn to God where I always feel good enough and where I truly know that all the improvement in me has been through his grace and mercy.
I think my new boss is younger than my daughters. Or around the same age. I think that could be a challenge for both of us. But it should be OK.
I'm totally ready to let another generation take over my work. They are competent, and have a better balance of work/play than I did. They know technology changes rapidly, and don't complain about it like us older ones. The only problem is they are constantly checking their phones. No matter how many times you tell them it is unacceptable, they won't stop.
Oh honey, I hear you on that one. One of th things my ex said to me after we separated (about getting back together) was 'A lot of things are going to have to change if we do.' I thought, "Dude, I have done nothing BUT change over the last 10 years." I didn't have any more changing in me.
People not in recovery dont seem to get that.
Improvement. It's all relative.
(and I bet you'd like your relatives to improve)
I'm the same way, doing the same thing for the past 10 years, and I don't want to move up. I'm fine where i am.
Needed to feel good enough today. Thanks
Pammie, you are old school and I like that. Glad that you are not trying to climb to the stratosphere. Most of those people are the reason the Peter principle is around.
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