Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day One or One Day....whichever

I learned a lot of lessons this past year, some of them the hard way and some just by reading the blogs of others.  Damn, we know a lot about each others' lives and hearts.

Most mornings this past year, it was the Dashboard of blogger that got me started on my day.  I need to check on y'all in the morning, to see what's happening, to catch some optimism and gratitude and love.  It helps remind me what my life is about and what I stand for.

Although I look forward to the clean slate of a new year, it is also scary for me.  I've lived long enough to know how everything in my world can spin on a dime and out of control.  People up and moving, dieing, relapsing, divorcing and everything in between.  The scariness of it all is what pushes me into the "one day at a time" way of living.  It is through my fear that I have found my biggest strength.  God uses what we have I guess.

All my life, my Mother served blackeyed peas and cornbread on New Years day, until I was 21 and my first husband died and she announced that blackeyed peas were banned forever more on New Years day.  I'll have to add that to my list of things I never asked her about before she died.  My neighbors are serving blackeyed peas today but I've been banned from eating them and that's that.

I am wishing a fresh start for everyone of you.  I say lets start with living up to our best selves on this day. 

Smoochie 2012 love!!!


Mary LA said...

Pam we do get to know one another as bloggers, and each year reveals more. But mysteries linger on.

I eat black-eyed peas with spinach. Happy and blessed New Year to you and your daughter. The son-in-law can get the stink-eye.

Lou said...

This year, and SOON, I'm going to ask my mother something I need to know. Thanks for the nudge.

We do know each other, and now I'm thinking of how you brought your mother home, and treated her with compassion and dignity. You took her out of the hospital, stopped the invasive and painful testing, and comforted her to her next destination. I remember your blog post the day she died.

The hard times are when we really reveal ourselves...and what we stand for.

Marcia said...

I don't know if I have ever had black-eyed peas! I might have to try them. Thanks for letting us know you and thanks for taking the time to know me.

Anonymous said...

My mother, in Texas, is doing the black eyed peas thing and being from California, she isn't quite down with the culture of it, if you know what I mean. She was telling me about it last night and it was actually the first time I had heard of that tradition. Then I open your blog up this morning and Bam! you're talking about it, too. Maybe I need to look into it....

I look forward to reading you another year. Happy New Year, darlin'.

Mary Christine said...

Happy New Year Pammie. I understand your little bit of trepidation. I grew up with a very ill father - every year started with me wondering if THIS was the year he was going to die. I try not to do that now.

I had black eyed peas for new years one year. It is not native for me, and I don't really like them, so I'll skip it.

dAAve said...


Anna said...

I have recently started reading your blog. It is very positive and inspirational. Thanks for writing. I have been thinking about my Mom today too. She passed away last Feb 26.

April said...

My mom always did black eyed peas and cabbage! Neither of which am I fond of! HA Happy New Year and I truly enjoy reading your blog so thank you for sharing.

Annette said...

Happy new year Pam. I'm so glad you are out here...if I ever got to meet you in real life, I think I could sail on that for a long long time, I would be so happy. :o) I was reading your blog during your mom's passing also....I never told you this, but I thought of you a lot and what I read there as I took care of my own mom this past summer. Thanks for letting us get to know you here. You make a difference.

Syd said...

I was worried about getting collard greens and black eyes to eat yesterday but managed to find them at a diner on the road to Florida. So according to legend, I will have good luck and money in 2012. I need the former more than the latter. Glad that you are here, Pammie. I am glad that we met through blogging.