Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Neighbor Report:  It seems the contractors were a "no show" yesterday and the neighbors concrete floor made no progress but it was dry enough for them all to leave at 8:30 and get in their own beds last night.  The Mama had super cooked when I got home so that was nice.  The 13 year old was asleep on my couch though with a raging fever and a closed throat.  As they were heading out the door, one of the twins said "mommy my throat hurts."  They will be here when I get home today as it seems there is still several more days in the whole floor stain fiasco.

I am leaving early in the morning for a 5 day recovery convention....YAHOO!  I wait all year for this convention and it is my favorite.  I've never been to Phoenix and I am looking forward to seeing something new.  I am also anxious to visit with the people I only see once a year.....a friend from California and one from the UK.

I've got a lot to finish up at work before I throat kinda hurts this morning!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

No, no, no! Sore throat go away!! Load up on the vitamin C, Pammie! Have a wonderful time in Phoenix. I will keep the drama to minimum until you return, LOL.

Syd said...

You are good, Pammie! Hope you don't have a bug!

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Hope you're healthy and move on out to an excellent convention experience!!! :)

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Have a great convention, Sweetheart!! (I had two years last Saturday!!)

Mary Christine said...
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