Sunday, April 17, 2011
This - That - and the other
I found a pair of very ugly old shoes in my closet that my poor toe can fit into so I can go to work tomorrow.
I sat with my foot propped up all day yesterday and read a very good book. I limped to a fundraiser last night (a dance) and enjoyed sitting on the side lines with the non-dancers. I've never sat in that row, I've always stayed on the dance floor. I heard some pretty lame reasons for people not dancing and most of them seemed awfully self centered. My youngest daughter "the reiki master" gave me some stones to put under my mattress to help the swelling in my toe because I did not want to have a reike done yesterday. I don't so much believe in the stones power but I do believe in her.
OK, I've met some very strange alcoholics and addicts thru the years but none of them seem as "crazy" to me as the folks that write into Post Secret. I'd like to read some secrets that have nothing to do with sex. Don't people have any non-sexual secrets?
Thirty four years ago today, my husband and I got into our car to race to the hospital because I was in labor. The battery was dead. After the initial "oh no not today!" we laughed and laughed about the irony of a dead battery and being in labor. We made it to the hospital with the help of neighbors and my oldest daughter, my first child, was born. As all the flowers and gifts were arriving that day, I had no clue that he would die in a wreck thirty days later, I had no clue that I would turn first to alcohol and when that stopped working, to more and more drugs. I'm glad I did not know all of that because today I want to remember that happy happy day without all the stuff that happened a few weeks later.
Today is a good day.....ouch toe, ouch memories and all. God is good.
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You have had an interesting life. Interesting in that you've had heaps of good and bad, laughter and tears.
It was in my 50's that I understood why God gives us both. And to reminisce with no regrets.
Oh Pammie...blessings (on your daughter) and sympathy (on your husband). I have heard parts of your story, but did not know that.
Take good care of that toe. I broke mine once and said "STEP AWAY FROM THE TOE" for about three weeks straight!
Pam-re: issues with your blog updating on others blogrolls. Check these things
1) in blogger, under new post, post options (at bottom) make sure Post date and time is set to automatic
2) in feedburner make sure your URL is correct. Check your redirection settings
3) subscribe to your own blog in Google reader. Does it update? If not, your feed settings are not correct
I tried to put you in my google reader and got nothing. so it is definitely a feed issue. In blogger-- go to settings-go to site feed-make sure "allow blog feeds" is set to "full".
Oh, Pam, I know the pain of broken toe, and coincidentally I am having toe pain issues this week too. HATE IT!!! I am also experiencing the friends and change thing too. Have a good week sole sister.(sole, get it?) LOL!
Sorry about your toe - but wow your husband, I have no words.
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Your are 100% right. And looking back, every recovered addict that I know do not talk about "rock bottoms" quite the same - it is always something that happened that wasn't always bad that made them stop drugs.
I am glad that you are remembering the good part of that day. Hard to have words for the loss of your husband. Take care Pam. You are much loved.
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