I wish I had a view into a house like the above so I could watch the people inside and make up funny stories about what they were saying.
I'm really tired of the whole limping around thing with my toe.....really...I'm tired of it.
I have a little piece of "bitterness" in my heart this morning. I'm frustrated/angry/exhausted with someone and it's taken up residence in my head. I will start praying about it when I hit the shower this morning and make my first attempt at letting it go. Maybe your first attempt works for you but it will take me until mid morning to find some peace. Ahhh we do learn about ourselves don't we.
I'm struggling a little bit with "don't open the bill means it did not come" "don't answer the phone and I don't know about it" "don't read the email and you don't have to deal with it." It's an awful stuck place. I don't much care for it even though it is not unfamiliar. I will, when shit hits the fan, begin to deal with it all.
I am so grateful that I can take bitterness and procrastination to God this morning and he (as always) will help me sort it out. God is the only place I can "go" without feeling like I have to comb my hair first.
I have a little piece of something running around in my head as well. I am going to also let it go. Have a good day, Pam. Glad that your Reader feed works now.
I couldn't, in a million years, imagine living in a home with that much exposure. I'm like a dog, I guess. I like my home to be den like.
'Morning, Pammie!
Love that picture. Letting go of stuff is a real process. It usually involves letting go of some expectations about someone or something.
btw- what Syd said about your Reader feed. Now I know when you've posted.
Glad to see I'm not alone in the struggles. I too tend to mull things around before I let go. I get tired of facing life on life's terms as well, but sooner or later it catches up with me and I have to face it. I always feel better when I do, and at least I don't have to reach for a drink.....
Get out of my head! Seriously! :oP :)
On the other hand, thank god I'm not alone, that others have an intimate understanding of this feeling of dissatisfaction! Thank God they also find a way in and sweep out the cobwebs (against my will!)
Hey toe sister. Stubbed mine this morning and about went through the roof. Guess I need to go to the doctor, darn!
Nice to see you on my blog roll :)
I'm with you. One of the first things someone said to me at work today was, "There's no point stressing because there's nothing you can do about it." And they aren't even in a 12 step program. My reaction (after thinking God was having a slapping his knee laugh because I'd prayed this morning that my thoughts be divorced from self-pity))? I went to my desk, put my head in my hands and whispered, "F***." Eventually I talked to God and got my head straightened out but a little swearing helped first.
wonderful, thank you
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