Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday Morning

This is my problem with fixation. 

We all try to stay away from news topics and such, to avoid google searches and I suppose, controversy but damn I got so fixated yesterday on the 911 operator in the 3 girl kidnapping news.  Everyone was so interested in the story except me because I wanted to deal with things IN ORDER!  I felt such a familiar kick in the gut from the tone and verbiage of the operator that I could not get to the story at hand.  I have such a kinship with righteous indignation and it will win out over any situation.  As I was leaving my office yesterday, the receptionist asked if I had seen the news about the three girls that were kidnapped and I said I was still trying to digest the attitude of the 911 operator.  She kind of looked at me crazy.  When someone uses the words " I told you that....." it just hurts somewhere in me.  Condescension is abuse.


Syd said...

I've talked to 911 operators before and it feels as if I am talking to a robot. The operator did perk up and start to get with it when she realized who she was talking to and that these were the missing women. I don't like any kind of sarcasm or condescension. And there is a lot of that in today's world. I best take my own inventory and look at what causes me so much trouble with the words of others.

Mary Christine said...

Oh my goodness Pammie. I hadn't listened to the calls in their entirety until after reading your post. Now my hands are sweating and my heart is pounding. I hope both of those fools get fired. And that they will train the new operators to be a little bit more aware that they might be talking to real human beings who need help. Sometimes public outrage really can change things.

Mary LA said...

Out here people who answer public service phones and emergency response services are badly paid and not trained well. And few of them speak English as a mother tongue, so we don't expect much from the service. I got the feeling the operator didn't get the significance of the call and was just doing a job by rote. I missed the condescension.

Mary on the other side of the known world and baffled.

Mary LA said...

Fixation, on the other hand, I do understand. Yes...

Annette said...

Someone who has been treated poorly at one time or another in her own life would be particularly sensitive to that type of degradation.bless your heart my dear.

Marcia said...

I don't know Pammie, of course only the dispatcher knows what she was thinking or feeling on that call. Probably because I'm dating a cop, I'm a bit biased. while riding with him, I don't hear the calls but I hear the dispatcher talking to the cops. It is always matter of fact and they get some crazy ass calls. But I never hear sarcasm. They do their job. It may sound cold hearted but it's really just level headed. I think the dispatcher should have stayed on the line until the cops arrived.

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