Saturday, May 14, 2011

Half Ass

Well Mr. BloggerMan showed me who was boss yesterday with all his "sorry we are having difficulties" statements.  Evidently the BloggerGeeks put their heads together and put some duct tape on the main frame because we are rolling now.

I've lost my whole train of thought from my last post.  I'm sure I'll get back there eventually, after all righteous indignation is one of my specialties.

I have been doing just enough to get by this week; just enough at home and just enough at my job.  It's like living life "half-assed".  Half ass is just all I've got in me this week for some reason.

I had an "ah-ha" moment this week in trying to describe what "grace" feels like to a person who has never experienced Gods Grace.  It feels like kindness, only in a massive dose. When a person is genuinely kind to you at a low moment in your life, it can make you cry, but when God pours his kindness or grace on you when you are in the complete and utter despair of your addiction, well it can bring you to your knees with joy and gratitude.  No.....I still can't explain it quite right. damn.

Enjoy your Saturday mi amigos.


dAAve said...

Hey Pam.

I don't know how to explain it either, but here's an attempt...

Maybe GRACE is when I don't get what I deserve.

StaZ said...

"after all righteous indignation is one of my specialties"...amen, sister, amen.

Anonymous said...

No, Pam, I think you nailed it on the head. That was a great way to describe it.

Lou said...

I remember the first time I ever read about God's grace delivering someone from their personal was on Mary Christine's blog. You explain it just as well, but in different

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Righteous Indignation. Acceptance is the answer...

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Excellent description!

Anonymous said...

I love your description!

Syd said...

I haven't fallen to my knees due to addiction but have been brought there with utter despair for living and messed up thinking. I feel that some how I am a recipient of grace.