Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stopping By with a BIG WAVE

  • Miss FancyPants lost her baby and has been so broken hearted. She is starting to smile again as the world keeps going and she adjusts to new dreams for her future.
  • Miss SoberPants has her 11 year old son (my sweet sweet grand baby) in Houston for a two week visit. He is a blessing to her and our whole family.
  • Brother is still on the lamb for unpaid tickets, unpaid rent and unmade phone calls to family.


  • God is working with me y'all!! Incredible daily encounters of grace and mercy are dogging my every step. It is so very awesome to be me right now ;)
  • A whole new God Door has opened up for me and I wish with all my heart that I could explain that.
  • I will have 19 years sober tomorrow...June 11th. The Grand Canyon can't hold my gratitude.
  • I have had the same dream three nights in a row this week.....that if I don't learn to write my full name in Hebrew, I won't be allowed into my own dreams.......weird huh?

Smoochie Love................Pammie


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to your daughter, Pam. I will pray for her healing.

You sound happy and that makes me smile. Keep doing what you're doing and HAPPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Kathy Lynne said...

Happy Anniversary Pammie! xo

kel said...

So sorry for your daughters loss. ALways a pleasure to see a post from you! And Happy anniversary to you!

Hope said...

Happy sober birthday!
That is sad to hear about your daughter losing her baby.
There are people here going to San Antonio in a few weeks. I keep thinking I wish they could meet you and give you a hug from me.

Mary Christine said...

Happy Birthday Pammie. I am so sorry I missed your birthday.

Scott M. Frey said...

prayers for you daughter and her baby...

I'm so glad you're well, and I am going to stop by the Grand Canyon and pick up a bit of your overflow :-) happy AA b-day!

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful to hear that at 17 years sober a new God door has opened up for you! Thank you so much for sharing that! No need to explain.

So sad for Miss Fancypants.
Happy for Miss Soberpants.
Glad brother is not doing anything out of the ordinary.(hopefully)

Sending smoochie love back at you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for staying sober Pam, and thanks for staying in AA too!

IV League Grad said...

Happy Anniversary, Pam -- from Scout!

Anonymous said...

Glad your updating once in a while.

I miss your daily ups and downs.

Getting to know mine after 2.5 yrs of not only not being chemical free but not using (people places and things) much either ! LOL!

Healing vibes to the family is sent your way from Idaho!
Amazing what HP throws in our lives.....

Keep it goin' on!
Happy Birthday too.
What a feat for some of us to not do what many do!

P.S. Couldn't remember what my Open ID was so...I am anonymous! HeHe!
Urbanderby loves ya from Da Ho ! (Idaho)

Anonymous said...

Stopped by to see if you posted and played with the penguins.
Miss you. Bye.

Trailboss said...

Do you need some help writing your name in Hebrew? I would help you but I don't know either. hee hee

Trailboss said...

Oh, I also wanted to say I too miss your blog. Are you ever going to post again on a semi-regular basis? Pretty please.

Pam Jarnagin said...

Hey, sweetie - just discovered you had some new postiness going on. I'm back to blogging pretty regularly for now, so stop by and say "hi" if you get a chance. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's losing her baby. My prayers are with her. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam,
How are you? I am fine.
I miss your posts.
Love, Patty

Syd said...

How did I miss you here? I am subscribed to you but for some reason you didn't show up on my Reader. I am sorry about the loss of the baby. That must have been rough. Will read all your posts to the present.